Kinga Szemessy, Signa Campo / PLAST / TELOCVIČŇA
výstup z rezidencie

Pozývame vás na verejný výstup z rezidencie Kingy Szemessy (HU) a Signy Schiavo Campo (IT). 
Ich dvojtýždňová umelecká rezidencia v Telocvični bola zameraná na:
- in.fertile grounds (pôda, ľudské telo, domény, čas)
- parazity 
- haptonómiu (dotyk, trenie, náklonnosť)
- približovanie a odďaľovanie (hlboký čas Zeme a osobné rozprávania)
Inšpirujeme sa perspektívou ekosomatiky.
Projekt sa opiera o snahu premostiť neprepojiteľné ženské skúsenosti (matky, matky, ktoré chcú byť matkami, matky, ktoré nikdy nebudú matkami atď.) prostredníctvom metafor a telesných praktík. Okrem toho sa snaží rozpustiť hierarchiu medzi rôznymi odbornosťami: buďte pôrodná asistentka, biogeologička, umelkyňa, filozofka, cvičiteľka jogy, inštalatérka, ste vítaná - a potrebná.
ps: Je to "watch and talk" v okolí Telocvične a Novej Cvernovky, ale niekedy sa budeme viac pozerať na vás a hovoriť budete len vy.
Rozhovor bude viesť Eva Priečková a bude prebiehať v angličtine.

KINGA SZEMESSY - Austria/Hungary
Kinga was trained as a contemporary dancer, and dance anthropologist, and currently is a PhD candidate at Mozarteum and University of Salzburg. Her main research field is participatory dance performances, with special interest in affects of discomfort and the non-anthropocentric potential of the genre. She is the co-founder of SVUNG Research Group (member of In Situ Platform), and the SZOME Association for Somatic Movement and Education in Hungary, and also a nature guide, occasional rock climber, Swedish & Thai massage therapist, wannabe Watsu therapist. Kinga has contacted the ecosomatics field through Keith Henessy’s workshops on death and dying, the BMC-based ‘Living and Dying on a Damaged Earth’ classes of Olive Bieringa, furthermore Forest Immersion, and Body Weather (Frank van de Ven + Milos Sejn - Bohemiae Rosa). Her former projects ‘No Endpoint - vigil’ and ‘Geodiverse’ with SVUNG were also related to the current explorations.

She holds a BA in Philosophy focused on Taoist thinking and MA in Dance Knowledge Practice and Heritage. Since 2008 Signa has been dedicated to bodily research through movement, awareness, contemporary dance, somatics (BMC and Danse Sensible) and recently ecosomatics. In 2015 she co-founded 'Embodying Reconciliation', an NGO for arts and peacebuilding in Colombia. She is also trained in Hatha Raja Yoga, Thai Massage, Mindfulness, Feminine Sexuality Embodiment and is enrolled in an Erasmus Plus ongoing project about ecosomatic rituals, ecopsychology and soul work. 
Signa is also a poem writer currently exploring the field of erotic poetry.

Sally O'Neill is a Malmö based dance and performance dramaturg with a master’s degree in Theatre and Performance Studies from the University of Copenhagen. Before becoming a dramaturg, she was a dancer and choreographer in contemporary dance. She facilitates artists to create and discover new structures and languages. She has previously worked for, among others, Kroppsklubben, Daniel Jeremiah Persson, Tuva Hildebrand and Waileth & Bardon in Malmö, Leah Landau in Stockholm, and Gray Box Projects in Hungary and France.

Dátum: 30.09.2023

Čas: 16:30

Miesto: Telocvičňa - Rezidenčné centrum pre tanec

Mesto: Bratislava

Vstupné: free